Winter Writing




I love to research. I find it soothing and replenishing in either the raucous or silent way. Research allows me to dive deep into a subject. It is as valuable for writing fiction as it is for writing non-fiction. Research is integral to illustrations that convey accurate information and expand on the meaning of the words in the children's picture books that I create. Sometimes, research can be delicious, messy, crowd-pleasing, and feel like a party.

For the final set of adventures of the Rafi and Rosi Coquí series I tested the pasteles recipe I had been working on for twenty years at my annual Pasteles Making Party. Pasteles are a savory, celebratory, and typical meal for Puerto Ricans. Every year my guests/helpers leave with pasteles to freeze, and then boil when ready to eat. It was a joy to learn from some of my recurrent helpers, that they found the lastest iteration of the recipe the best ever.

Sometimes research can be meditative. I relish the complete silence in the main room of the Library of Congress in front of a pile of books. Soaking into a subject matter with each page I read is calming, centering, and rewarding. Immersing myself in the details of the how and why it’s a joy. I thrive in the challenge of transforming my newfound knowledge into words and pictures that draw young readers into a book. Books that prompt them to want to learn more. Diving into the past to learn about facts that can spark ideas in young thinkers for a brighter future is a reward in itself. The shape and form my current research will take is in the making. But I know that this title will be another non-fiction picture book packed with remarkable facts many young minds are unaware of. It will be a picture book at the crossroads of Latinx and STEAM.

If you want to learn about the origins of Puerto Rican pasteles, as well as how much fun it can be to make them, invite the irrepressible tree frog siblings to guide you. Yes! I share my recipes for the traditional and vegan versions. Rafi and Rosi Menu! and Rafi y Rosi ¡Menú! are the final titles in the Rafi and Rosi Coquí series. They are the result of some raucous research and will be released later this year. As for an upcoming STEAM picture book—stay tuned.

Author Visits

New STEam Program

I’m excited to announce a new program for schools based the award-winning books Olinguito de la A a la Z Descubriendo el bosque nublado: Olinguito from A to Z Unveiling the Cloud Forest and Cool Green: Amazing Remarkable Trees.

In this program students learn about the discovery of the Olinguito and the cloud forest. They marvel at the flora and fauna that coexist with the Olinguito, from a rare Pinocchio lizard to the spectacled bear. They discover cool facts about remarkable trees around the globe. I explain the fascinating research that led to each picture book and highlight how research can be weaved into lyrical writing that tells a unique story, a process that educators can mirror in classrooms. The program ends with an interactive exercise where students contribute to a new poem for Cool Green and/or Verde Fresco. Recommended for grades 2-4, Earth Day, poetry month, and schools interested in teaching across content areas.

Both books have been recognized by the Orbis Pictus Awards from the National Council of Teachers of English. Plan your bilingual author visit today!



Lulu Delacre